
South Island Day 13, 18/04/18 〜 南島第13日・2018年4月18日

Rain overnight turned to snow at the top of the mountains.  When opening the curtain in the morning, saw mountains around the town only 1,500-1,600m high got some snows.  The lodge manager said to me "Are you going to Waiau pass today? There could be some snow remained on the south face.  But it will be fine as it is soft."  Felt relaxed a bit.

Went to the only shop/petrol station of town for food shopping.  Planned 6 portions in stock to be kept for emergency, and buying 15 portions for 5 days. Changed my plan because it was very expensive and there were not much variety: bought food for 10 portions with crackers and biscuits. 

Had breaky and bought lunch at the adjacent cafe.  Called in DOC Visitor Centre to find a detour in case Waiau pass was not passible due to the snow.  The VC had a substantial display about the local area and had a good learning about geology of Red Hill and close relationship between black fungus covering beech trees and scale insect secreting honey dew.  Saw a track warning between Mid and Top Wairou huts due to erosion, which I walked 3 days ago with shuddering.  Hoped it will be fixed by next summer season. 

Left town at 10:00 and started to walk around Lake Rotoiti.  Track went through the beech forest most of the way, and walked the track occasionally tasting honey dew of scale insects.  Passed by a hunter who was after Chamois without success so far.  Was a flat easy walk and arrived at John Tait Hut at 16:15.  A busy evening with 13 trampers.  The hut was situated on an avalanche path and in the hut there was a pic of avalanche approached near to the door. Do not want to stay here from winter to spring.  Went to bed at 22:00.  Walked 6.25 hours, 23km.



 10:00に町を出てロトイティ湖畔を歩き始める。ほとんどずっとブナの森の中の道で、時々カイガラムシの肛門線の先についた甘露を指で取って舐めながら進む(編集者註・カイガラムシから分泌された甘露は食用として安全、滋養に富んでおり、NZではHoney Dewとして写真のように商品化されています)。途中、猟師とすれ違った。シャモア(ヤギ亜科の動物)を追っているが今の所成果なしだとか。宿泊するジョン・テイト小屋までほぼ平坦な歩きやすい山道で16:15に到着。他に13人の宿泊者がいて賑やか。この小屋は何と雪崩の崩落線上にあるらしく、小屋内に雪崩が目前に迫った写真が飾られていた。冬から春先にかけては泊まりたくない小屋だ。22:00就寝。本日の歩行6時間15分、23km

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