
South Island Day 1, 06/04/18 〜 南島第1日、2018年4月6日

First day of the South Island Te Aararoa walk (63rd day total with the North Island).  

Got up at 6:00. Fine and warm all day with almost no wind. Got myself ready slowly.  Checked out the accommodation and wandered around the Picton port.  Booked 10:00 boat to Ship Cove by Cougar Line, $72 including TA walker 10% discount.  At the office next door bought QCTLC (Queen Charlotte Track Land Cooperative) pass $18.  

Boat arrived at Ship Cove at 11:00 after having dropped off goods at 2 places on a way.  Here I started TA walk in the South Island officially, after 5 months break from TA in the North!  Took a mandatory photo shot at Captain Cook monument. Birdlife was abundant here: king shags and mutton birds (sooty shearwaters) were seen on the boat, and a weka turned up soon after starting the walk at 11:30.  There was a section with hundreds of rat traps every 5 meters.  Track was wide, smooth and very easy to walk. Walked checking a track distance signage posted every 5km.  

Got to the goal of today Furneaux Lodge earlier than expected at 14:30, so decided to carry on to a DOC campsite at Camp Bay.  Arrived at the campsite at 17:30 when my shoulders were crying for a help having carried heavy load all day.  There were 6 other campers there.  Walked down to the river bank after dark and saw dozens of glow worms. Went to bed at 23:00.  Waked 6 hours, 24km.


 6:00時起床。一日快晴で暖かく風もほとんどなし。のんびりと支度し、チェックアウト後ピクトンの港周辺を散策。クーガーラインという会社の10:00の船をシップ・コーブまで、TAウォーカー割引(10%) 込みの$72で予約。それから隣の店でQCTLC (Queen Charlotte Track Land Cooperative) パスを$18で購入。

 船は途中2カ所に荷物を届けながら、シップ・コーブに11:00に到着。北島のTA終了から5ヶ月のブランクを経て、いよいよ南島編のスタートだ。まずはお約束のキャプテン・クック記念碑前で記念撮影。11時半に歩き始めると、すぐにニュージーランドクイナ(Weka)が現れた。船の上からはノドジロムナオビウ(King Shag)やハシボソミズナギドリ(Mutton Bird/Sooty Shearwater)の姿も見られ、野鳥は多いようだ。途中に何百ものネズミ捕獲用罠が5mおきに仕掛けられている区間もあった。トラック自体は幅も広くスムーズでとても歩きやすく、5kmおきにある距離表示を目安に進む。


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