
North Island Day 61, 02/11/2017 ~ 北島第61日・2017年11月2日

At 7:00 John dropped me off at the entrance of Coronial Knob Walkway where I finished walking yesterday. Bought lunch at a bakery nearby. 2 x clubhouse sandwiches with lots of filling and 2 slices of cakes costed me only $12.20 - wow, it's so cheap!!  Bakery staff said they cannot get customers if it was more expensive than this, because residents living in the area were not very wealthy and there were many competitors.  Sounded a tough business, but good for consumers. 

Walked up to Colonial Knob. Carpark was full in early morning.  This mountain is the highest of Wellington's (459m) and a popular spot among locals for daily exercise and training.  On the north of the mountain where the track starts, there was a NZ native forest; and there was a farmland on the south.  

On the summit, there were an air control radar system and a mobile phone arial.  On a way down, the trail went into a planted pine forest and I saw a warning sign that said "Danger - the bridge ahead could collapse".  Hmm, how dangerous would it be... Let's walk down to have a look.  When getting there, saw an ordinary wooden bridge over a small shallow stream - how disappointing.  

Went up to Mt Kaukau following an old bridle path after 1hr walk on the road.   It was a fine day with a gale, and windmills of a wind power station were turning very fast in the west. From the summit 20m high TV tower rises, with deep emotion I overlooked the scenery of the Wellington city, and Island Bay, the goal of North Island Te Araroa walk - yes, I got here eventually...  On the west, I could see mountains of the South Island. 

Down the mountain, and walked through the Wellington city to the entrance of Mt Victoria that I will walk tomorrow, casting a sidelong glance at the beach where people were sunbathing in togs.  Walked back to Wellington Station.  Met with John in front of the Gandhi statue and went home.  We will walk together the last 10km tomorrow.  Walked 33km today.


 それからコロニアルノブへと登り始めたが、早朝なのに駐車場はもう車で一杯。この山はウェリントン近郊の最高峰 (459m) で、地元の人にとっては日課のように登りにる、トレーニングの場所としても親しまれているようだ。登山口のある山の北側にはNZ原生種の樹木の森がり、南側は牧場に開拓されていた。また、頂上には航空管制用レーダーや携電話用のアンテナ等が立ち並んでいた。下山道は途中から松の植林となり「この先の橋は崩落の可能性があり危」という警告板が。どんな危ないところかと逆に興味をえていってみると、い小川にかかった何てことのない木橋で拍子けした。



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