
North Island Day 20, 22/09/17 ~ 北島第20日・2017年9月22日

Got up at 5:00 and started at 7:00, as it was going to be a long day today.  Got to know Donna on Te Araroa Facebook page, and would stay at her place this evening in Whangarei Head that was about 10 hours walk.  In the morning no water in the cabin, but wasn't a big trouble as I god enough water yesterday.  

Trail went up to Mt Kauri and down to ocean beach today.  Unfortunately had to negotiate with a small estuary about 10m across at high tide time.  Walked across the section being soaked in water up to my belly button.  After the crossing, walked on soft sand that made my feet tired.  Surprisingly I could hardly see any rubbish on the beach but only sea shells, sea weeds and drift wood there.  It was so comfortable to walk on a clean beach only with water birds' foot prints.  

After the beach, traversed Mt Lion with lots of ups and downs with steep sections.  On a way, there was a trace of Navy radio station built in the World War II.  Arrived at Donna's place viewing oil refineries on the other side of the bay.  Donna cooked beef salad for dinner and we had it together.  Took shower after 6 days, and did all my washings at her place - that made me feel alive.  Baby Girl the cat who was shy at the beginning became friendly.  Thus had a very relaxed evening.  Can't thank Donna enough for her kindness.  Walked 28km today.


 今日のコースは、まずカウリ山を登ってからオーシャンビーチへと降りていくのだが、丁度満潮時と重なり、一か所幅10mほどの小さな干潟をヘソ下まで海水に浸かりながら渡る羽目になった。その後も柔らかい砂浜歩きが続き疲れたが、この国の浜辺には本当にゴミが少なく、落ちているものは貝殻や海藻、流木ばかり。 足跡も水鳥のものが多少あるだけの、まっさらな浜辺を歩くのはとても気持ちが良い。その後はアップダウンの多い、傾斜のきついライオン山をトラバース。途中第二次大戦中に作られた海軍無線基地もあり興味深かった。


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