Got up at 4:00 and started at 5:00 as it was gonna be a long
day. Drizzle got my cloth wet. Had a faint hope to see a kiwi in the dusk. At
6:00 just before the daybreak, a kiwi turned up in the bush nearby - how
exiting!! Felt the unwanted roundabout routes I took yesterday and today were
well rewarded! Traps of possums and stoats everywhere in this forest were the
proof of hard works of Puketi Forest Trust. Sometimes smelt putrid of dead
animals that must have been chucked in the bush
somewhere closed to the track. Being amased by remarkable kauri trees and
struggled with bad track along a river, got to Mangapuka Hukahu Stream, which I
had to turn back the day before yesterday, at 9:15 earlier than planned. After
15 minutes walk up, found the pool that I could't walk pass. In a couple of days,
water level lowered but was still thigh deep. It was a right decision not
passing this section the day before yesterday. Made my footsteps connected from
one side to the other somehow and it made me feel good. Back to the hut at
15:00, a way earlier than expected. It was by myself in the hut tonight again
and there was a plenty of room to get wet clothes dried. Spent good two days in
this hut. Walked 17km x 2.
長い一日なので4時に起き5時に小屋を発つ。生憎の霧雨が服を湿らせる。淡い期待を抱いてはいたが、夜明け直前の6:00頃本当にキーウィが現れたときは興奮した!それだけで昨日今日の余分な回り道の労力が報われた気分。この森はプケティ森林保護団体が害獣駆除に力を入れているらしく、あちこちにポッサムやオコジョ用の罠が仕掛けられている。かかったポッサム等はそばの茂みにでも投げ捨てられているのか時々死臭が漂ってきた。そのあとは見事なカウリ木立に感嘆したり、川沿いの悪路に悪戦苦闘しながら、予想より早い9:15には一昨日の問題の川マンガプカフカフ・ストリームに到着。そこから15分も遡った所が例の深くて渡れない淵だった。2日の間にだいぶ水位が引いていたが、股下のあたりまで水が来た。一昨日無理して渡らなくて正解だった。途切れた線を一本に繋げられた良い気分で帰路に着き、思った以上に早い15:00には小屋に帰り着けた。今夜も自分一人で独占のようで、濡れた衣類を大っぴらに広げて乾かす、良い2日間だった。歩行17km x 2

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