Although not having much chances to see them in the south, I have had some
impressive encounters with people. Meetings with wonderful people encouraged me
a lot and pushed my back forward.
CAITLIN who I accidentally had a reunion at
the Charlotte Sound.
Trampers who I met at Greenstone hut in summer and again
at a hut or a backpackers in April: young German TIMO & LISA and RALF &
THOMAS, the northbound TA walkers; a US guy DALE who stayed 3 nights together
in Arthurs Pass in the bad weather.
FERNANDA, an Argentinian girl volunteering
for a hut warden at Blue Lake hut.
People who gave me a lift to make a detour
at Rakaia and Rangitata rivers: CHRIS, MATT, IAN and DAVID.
78 year-old LEO and
his friend STEPHEN who stayed at Slaty hut when traversing Richmond Ranges.
They told me an interesting story about their friend Rob Birkes. Rob had
shifted from UK 40 years ago and became successful in farming after a lot of
hard-works. He has been enjoying tramping all through his life in NZ and wanted
to do something to contribute NZ tramping culture. He built Waiau hut on the
south of Waiau pass using his own money. I stayed the hut on my way and got a
benefit from his contribution.
A SPECIAL NOTE goes to those who have been following me for up to 11 months since we have started “Keep on, Keepin’ on - Eiji’s Te Araroa Walk” on Facebook in August 2017. I believe YOUR encouragements DID HELP me walk the whole length of New Zealand.
- Thanks again and best wishes from Eiji Kitai.
最後になりますが、2017年8月に始めたフェイスブックページ「Keep on Keepin' on - Eiji's Te Araroa Walk」を、11か月の長きにわたり応援して下さった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。NZ縦断を完歩することができたのは、ひとえに皆さんのご支援の賜物です。 北井 栄治
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