
South Island Day 50, 25/05/18 〜 南島第50日・2018年5月25日

Very cold morning and outside temperature was -3.  At 9:30 visited a mobile health office for a health check and drug test to re-apply for a job at Air NZ.  Drove to downtown Queenstown and left my car at our friends' place.  Bought a one-way cruise ticket to Mt Nicholas Station at $29 at Southern Discovery office.  

Got on a boat departing at 11:00.  Was mainly cloudy with occasional sunshine.  Before 12:00 started to walk a private road in the farm that I have gained prior permissions from the managers.  18km from this point to the Lake Rere track that DOC manages follows a private road in the farms, which are NOT open to the public.  Walking the road without a permission intentionally is TRESPASS - duly a criminal act, so walkers MUST NOT do this. My deep appreciation goes to run-holders of Mt Nicholas and Elfin Bay stations for their understanding and generosity to my mission. 

There was a sturdy bridge that a vehicle can pass over Von river, the only big river on my way.  No problems in walking cross other creeks which were my calf high at the deepest.  From the half way, there was NZ native bush with Manuka, Mingimangi, ferns, etc., alongside the road and saw many wild red deers.  

The road merged with Lake Rere track at 16:30.  There was lots of snow on the ground when walking up a hill.  Pitch dark when getting to Greenstone track and walked on a head torch.  Arrived at Slip Flat hut at 18:30.  Have been to this small hut with 3 bunks for cleaning and maintenance work often, but very first time to stay here overnight.  According to the hut visitor book, there was no one stayed after 26 April.  Had a quiet night. Went to bed at 22:30.  Walked 6 hours total, TA 10km + non-TA 18km.


 11:00出発の船に乗り込む。幸い天気は時々青空の覗く曇り空。12:00には、事前に通行許可をもらった牧場の私道を歩き始めた。ここから先、約18km北にある環境保全省 (DOC) 管理のレイク・レレ・トラックまでの間は、一般公開されていない牧場の私道で、初めから意図して無断で勝手に歩くことは不法侵入罪という立派な犯罪行為であり、絶対に慎まなければならない。今回特別に通行を認めてくれたマウント・ニコラスおよびエルフィン・ベイ高原牧場の人々の理解と高誼に感謝したい。



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