
Routeburn-Dart Wildlife Trust ルートバーン・ダート野生動物基金

I supported Routeburn-Dart Wildlife Trust (RDWT) through my Te Araroa walk. RDWT is a registered charity, which works hard to eradicate pest species to save native birds in Routeburn and Dart Valley areas. Please visit their webpage to find out great jobs they have been doing. I would appreciate your support to RDWT. 

Kea is the NZ's endemic bird and the world only alpine parrot. They are intelligent and playful and sometimes behave like a human - the character makes them one of the most popular native bird. Despite their intelligence, their numbers are declining rapidly. Predator control is a key to save this iconic bird from extinction.

Very rare Whio (Blue Duck) is NZ's endemic species only inhabit in fast flowing mountain rivers. They once disappeared from Routeburn River but recently made come back and even started breeding. Pest eradication program Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust is carrying out has big effect for their breeding success.


Mohua (Yellow Head): Length 15cm/Weight 30g. Mohua is native to NZ, the bird featured on NZ$100 note, and also called as 'bush canary' from its beautiful call. Mohua only habitats in the South Island and Stewart Island, and current population is less than 5,000. Mohua is threatened by predation by introduced animals (rats, stoats and possums), habitat loss due to forest browsing by introduced animals (deers and possums), and competition of food with introduced birds. Mohua is classified as Endangered species according to IUCN Red List.

New Zealand Kaka: length 38-44cm, weight 340-400g.  Looking like a cousin of the alpine parrot Kea, Kaka is a large parrot endemic to NZ and lives quietly in the canopy of beech forests. When we travelled to Stewart Island (where less predator habitats), to our big surprise Kaka were abundant and visited us regularly at the batch we stayed as those photos!!  Kaka are diurnal but active at night during fine weather or full moon.  Kaka is easy to be preyed by rats, possums and stoats, as they nest in a hollow of beech tree.  About 10,000 birds left, Kaka is classified as Endangered of UICN Red List.


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