
South Island Day 4, 09/04/18 〜 南島第4日・2018年4月9日

Got up at 7:00, left hut after 8:00.  Drop a mail into the postbox, did food shopping at a supermarket, and left Havelock town.  Walked along SH6 for the first 30 minutes, and quiet unsealed backroad next, then went into Daltons Track in a farmland at 11:30.  Caught in a muddy section on my way and my boots got soaked. Last 1km the track went into a giant Rim forest which was stunning.  

After crossing a swing bridge, arrived at DOC campsite beside Pelorus river that has a beautiful green pool at 13:30.  Decided to stay here 2 nights ($18/n/p), as a rough weather was on a way according to the forecast.  Unlike a DOC campsite, there were a cafe and hot water shower facility on site, and it was clean and comfy.  Fine and hot weather in the morning suddenly changed at 13:00 - winds got chilly and clouds started to develop.  Drizzle started at 15:00 turned steady rain at night.  A high school group of 20 was staying there and communal kitchen got totally full in the evening.  Went to bed at 0:00.  Walked 5 hours, 21km.


South Island Day 3, 08/04/18 〜 南島第3日・2018年4月8日

Got up at 6:00.  Drizzled from 7:00, rained from 8:30 and cleared up after 1 hour.  A blue sky above me rest of the day.  

Left campsite at 7:30.  After a little while, a man coming down from opposite way addressed to me.  It was Alexis, a French guy who I met at Greenstone hut 2 months ago where I work for each summer season.  He remembered me and had a lovely reunion with him.  Finished walking Queen Charlotte Track at 11:00.  

Found an interesting a vending machine to sell track passes, which was transformed from a parking metre.  Walked on the shoulder from here to Havelock and there was a footpath called Link Pathway most of the way along the shoulder.  Heard students from Outward Bound School in Anakiwa helped building this Pathway.  When walking down the path, met Michael, a Kiwi guy who I met at Greenstone hut.  He gave me a good info about a hut with a view and a hut that he could use his mobile in the Richmond Range ahead.  

As getting closer to Havelock, passed Belvue Bay where we rented a batch for 2 weeks 15 years ago. Longed the days we stayed there.  Arrived at Havelock at 16:00.  Stayed in Rutherford Backpackers, transformed from an old school building at $25.  Hand-washed clothes I have worn for 5 days when taking a shower.  Did food shopping at the Four Square for today and next a few days.  On a way back, had a take away of half dozens of fried mussels, and enjoyed the local speciality.  When coming back to the accommodation, a female cat called Puss-puss made herself charming to everyone.  Got a SD card and my notes ready to send home next day.  Went to bed at 0:00. Walked 8.5 hrous, 30km.





South Island Day 2, 07/04/18 〜 南島第2日・2018年4月7日

Full of stars in the sky last night, but it started drizzling from 3:00 - took shoes in the tent and put a cover on my pack in a hurry.  Got up at 6:00, left the campsite at 7:30.  Steep uphill walk at the beginning made me sweat immediately, and Southern Rata in flower out of the season and humourous weka often turning up on my way made me eased.  Track going up and down along the ridge line was exhausting, but the view was extremely gorgeous.  Drizzle from before dawn stopped and cleared up in the morning and thick low cloud covered the sky in the afternoon.  

Got worn out and arrived at commercially operated Mistletoe Bay Camping Ground at 16:45.  Bumped into Caitlin who used to work as a Routeburn track walk guide. She was travelling around the South Island with her parents by camper van.  Trail magic again after having met Karen & Paul in the north!  Paid $18 to pitch tent and $2 for shower that made me alive.  Went to bed early at 22:00 being very tired.  Walked 9.25 hours, 30km.



Eiji's Te Araroa Walk appearances on Internet media  インターネット・メディアでの栄治のテ・アラロア・ウォーク紹介

Eiji's Te Araroa walk articles featured by internet media were all very good and well worth reading. Eiji's fundraising for Rout...