In my daily notes, I did not make a
comment about food intentionally unless having had something special. Everyday
meal was a delight to me, yet there were no much variety and I had a lot more
things to write than food. Today I'm making some notes for the ones who wish to
walk TA in the future just as a reference.
Main points to choose food for bush
meals are:
(1) Available at any shops
(2) Reasonably priced
(3) Not bulky
and not heavy
(4) Short cooking time and easy to clean up; and
(5) High calorie and long
Taste and balanced nutrition were lower in priority.
Breaky: instant
coffee, muesli with dissolved milk powder in water, often with dried black
Lunch: flat bread (wrap) with peanut butter, salami and cheese, later
I used tortilla that was a bit smaller than wrap. It was handy to make the
amount I needed and didn't need much filling. When it was rainy and there was
no shelter, I had a quick one with dried fruit, muesli bar, trail mix,
chocolate etc. When I was fed up with these sweet food, I ate crispy noodles,
edible as a snack no cooking required, and cheese flavoured one was my
Dinner: couscous covered with a cup-a-soup and rehydrated dried mash
potatoes; or 2 minute noodles with dried peas, wakame (dried sea vegetable),
shiitake mushroom and fried shallot.
About cooking 2 minute noodles: poured hot
water over the noodle and covered it for 5 minutes to save fuel. I had
Vietnamese rice noodle that just needed hot water to softened, no need to cook
on a stove. Did not eat cup-a-noodles at all, because it was bulky and too small
After dinner sweets: tortilla with hazel nut spread and mixed nuts. It was Patric, a Swiss TA walker gave me this idea that
became my favourite. Think
it was one of the main reasons why I lost my weight.
(2) 手頃な価格
(3) 嵩張りすぎず重すぎない
(4) 調理時間が短く、後片付けも簡単
(5) 高カロリーで保存が効く
<朝食>インスタントコーヒーとミューズリーに粉ミルクを溶かした牛乳をかけたもので済ませることが多かったが、乾燥黒スグリ (Black current) を混ぜることもよくした。
<昼食>ラップ(トルティーヤ)にピーナッツバターを塗り、サラミとチーズを乗せて巻いたもの。途中からは一回り小さなトルティーヤの皮を使うようになった。量を調節しやすいし、中に入れる具が少ないので皮も小さい方がバランスも良い。雨の日で雨宿りできる場所がない時などは、ドライフルーツやミューズリー・バー、トレイル・ミックス(編集者註・ナッツ、ドライフルーツ、チョコレートチップなどが適宜混ざった、高カロリー行動食。NZのスーパーで普通に売っている)チョコレートなどで簡単に済ませることも多かった。これも甘いものばかりでも飽きるので、途中からは乾燥麺でそのままスナックとして食べる、クリスピー・ヌードル(ベビースター・ラーメンより大ぶり)というのを多用するようになり、 特にチーズ味が気に入った。
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